
our values:


For every problem we try to find the easiest and simplest solution. We do not believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. We analyze a problem, and when it is solved best with simple HTML, we will go for HTML. If a CMS is needed, we will deploy a CMS. If the problem at hand - maybe your problem? - demands a multi-tier architecture, we develop that.

But the simplest solution is the solution easiest maintained, easiest changed and easiest adapted.


We are striving to write elegant code. We have an attitude like a craftsman. We do not like fast and bulky fixes and we try to avoid them whenever possible.


When we are starting to develop something, we like to think the problems at hand through. We want to be a real partner to our customers in solving their problems. We like to identify with the solutions we are developing. So when we take care of a problem, we like to be responsible for the solutions we develop and stay responsible even when the project is finished.


We prefer Open Source. Period.

We'd like to implement your next web project!
contact us